Essay on Social evils in Nepal-2021


                                     SOCIAL EVILS

                               WHAT IS SOCIAL EVIL?

The anti-social practices prevalent in the society are said to be social evils. These practices harm the society and its good social tradition. Those evils must be rooted out for the prosperity of the people and the country as soon as possible.

                                  EXAMPLE OF SOCIAL EVILS

The people of different nature and attitude live in a society. Good people do well to the society where as the bad one harms the society. These bad people introduce social evils like theft, robbery, untouchability and other forms of social discrimination. Early marriage, polygamy, dowry system, drug addiction, girls trafficking etc. are other examples of social evils. They harm the feeling of equality and mutual respect.

                             CONSEQUENCES  OF SOCIAL EVILS 

Social evils are increasing rapidly. Robberies are committed in broad daylight. We often hear robbers robbing a bank. Smugglers carry out their business farelessly. Public are unsafe. Women are raped in public. Wishing to be rich overnight idols are smuggled, girls are trafficked, youth are lured to addiction. The poor girls are allured for money, threatened and compelled to involve in prostitution. The young children have been the drug addicts. On the account of their bad habit, they do not hesitate to steal things and commit crimes.

Our country is facing those problems at present. They exist because of the ignorance of the people. Most of the people are uneducated in developing countries like Nepal. They do not know about the way to fight against the social evils. They are mostly traditional minded. Therefore, they have strong faith in superstition. They regard untouchability, dowry and some other practices as their tradition. They strongly support them rather than discarding. Similarly, government and civil society seem to be quite ignorant toward these problems. It is the duty of the government to carry out effective programs to educate the people against these problems and punish those who encourage these evils in the society. The smugglers and traffickers must be strictly punished. The role of civil society is vital to fight against these evils because they can easily aware and educate the local people in the society against them.

                              SOLUTIONS FOR SOCIAL EVILS

To sum up, elimination of social evils has been the urgent need of the country. It can be eliminated with the joint effort of the government, people, civil society and other social organization. If they are not checked on time our future will be nowhere.    


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